
Monday, June 4, 2018

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a community of bloggers who link up to share what they are reading. To find out what other bloggers are reading check out the host blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers. You can also follow on Twitter at #imwayr.

What I've Been Reading...

Saffron Ice Cream by Rashin Kheiriyeh

Rashin is going to the beach for the first time in America. A she tells the story of her beach trip, she recounts what it was like to go to the beach when she lived in Iran. This book provides insight into two cultures and also captures both the sadness and joy that Rashin feels as she has an adventure in a place that is unlike her old home and makes a new friend. The illustrations are bright and lively. This book, about the beach, is one that can be shared as we go into summer, but it will also be one that will spark discussions about differences in culture and what it feels like to live in a new place.

This Is a Taco! by Andrew Cangelose

A squirrel agrees to be in a book because he thought there would be tacos so when there aren't any tacos he rewrites them into the story. The squirrel's antics are entertaining, but readers will also learn a few squirrel facts. This one will make readers giggle.

Two Dogs in a Trench Coat Go to School by Julie Falatko

Waldo and Sassy think their boy, Stewart, does not like school so they want to find a way for him to stay home. Wearing a trench coat, the dogs pass as a human and get into Stewart's school. Because Waldo can speak human, Stewart's teacher and classmates are fooled into thinking he is a new student. Waldo and Sassy manage to help Stewart in more ways than one. Yes, this is a far-fetched story, but it will be right up the alley of those students who love silliness and humor. There are also jokes that adults will appreciate. This is a book I'll definitely add to my classroom library because many of my readers enjoy these types of illustrated chapter books.

Two's a Crowd (Pug Pals #1) by Flora Ahn

Sunny's world changes when her human brings home her new kid sister, Rosy. Sunny is annoyed with Rosy and wishes she never had a sister. When Rosy loses Mr. Bunny, one of Sunny's stuffies, the two pugs are on an adventure which ends in a lesson about happiness and appreciating a sibling. This is an amusing, short read with illustrations on every page. Early readers will enjoy reading about these two sweet pugs.

Books to Look For This Summer...

The Basque Dragon (The Unicorn Rescue Society) by Adam Gidwitz and Jesse Casey

Elliott and Uchenna are members of Mr. Fauna's Unicorn Rescue Society and, after just one day in the club, they are being whisked off to Europe to rescue a dragon. The second book in the series, after The Creature of the Pines, is as adventurous and imaginative as the first. This is an amusing read as well, as the story and characters have a bit of quirkiness. There are short chapters and illustrations throughout which will appeal to many readers. This book publishes in July. Thanks to the publisher, Penguin Young Readers, for providing my book review group, #BookExcursion, with an advance reader's copy of the book.

The Rhino in Right Field by Stacy Dekeyser

This is an historical fiction story about a twelve year old with a love of baseball. Nick and his friends play in the field that is right next to the city zoo so there is actually a rhinoceros just over the fence. When a new owner buys the town's minor league baseball team, Nick is determined to win a contest so he can be batboy for a day. Nick finds a way to enter the contest which is on a Saturday, a day that his father requires him to work at their shop, but it means being dishonest. This story has an interesting plot, true-to-life characters, and a heart-warming ending. Nick is an imperfect character, but his determination, work ethic, and willingness to stand up for what's right are admirable qualities. Touching and humorous, this is a great read. This book publishes in July. Thanks to the publisher for providing my book review group, #BookExcursion, with an advance reader's copy of the book.


  1. Thanks for sharing these books with everyone today. You've really captivated me with Saffron Ice Cream, especially since I grew up on the sands of Coney Island and have a soft spot for books about it.

  2. I cannot wait to read the second Unicorn Rescue Society book! I have it waiting for me! And the Taco book looks hilarious!

    Happy reading this week :)

    1. Love the Unicorn Rescue Society and think it's great for those readers who don't have the stamina for longer titles.

  3. The Rhino In Right Field sounds very good, Lisa. And thanks also for Saffron Ice Cream. It looks like a great book to share.

    1. The Rhino in Right Field was really engaging. I look forward to reading Saffron Ice Cream with students.

  4. As a fellow taco enthusiast, that little squirrel and I are kindred spirits! :-) Thanks for sharing these, they're all new to me!

    1. I think you'll definitely like the book then!

  5. The Rhino in Right Field sounds great -- I like that it's historical fiction. That always makes the reading more exciting for me. Thanks so much for sharing, Lisa!

    1. I enjoy historical fiction. I love imagining what it was like to live in past times.

  6. I've just request Saffron Ice Cream and This Is a Taco! from my local library. Can't wait to get my hands on them. Thanks for the suggestions. Have a great week!

  7. I am always on the look out for diverse picture books so will definitely seek out Saffron Ice Cream. I just finished reading Two Dogs and a Trenchcoat and definitely could hand it to some of my readers right away for illustrated chapter books are always in high demand. Have a great week!

  8. Saffron Ice Cream has been on my radar. And I feel like I should give Two Dogs a read.

  9. The second Unicorn Rescue Society and 2 Dogs in a Trench Coat are in my pile to read very soon! And I put Taco on hold at the library, looks cute!

  10. Love receiving review copies. Saffron Ice Cream caught my eye - I am going to have to check whether we have it in our library. :)
