Every Monday, I share books I have recently read. I also participate in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, a community of bloggers who link up to share what they are reading. To find out what other bloggers are reading, check out the host blogs,
Teach Mentor Texts and
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Recent Reads...
Bunheads by Misty Copeland
Readers with an interest in dance will be charmed by this story about ballet and following one's passion. At her first class, young Misty learns about the ballet Coppélia and is determined to learn the steps and get a starring role.
Mr. Brown's Bad Day by Lou Peacock and illustrated by Alison Friend
Mr. Brown has a very important briefcase with very important things inside. One day while eating lunch, his briefcase is accidentally taken and Mr. Brown ends up chasing all over town. This is a very cute story with a sweet and surprising ending.
Pugtato Finds a Thing by Sophie Corrigan
Pugtato finds a shiny, round thing while digging in the mud and, to figure out what it is, goes around the garden asking his friends. The cast of animal/vegetable characters will intrigue and amuse young readers.
Katie the Catsitter by Colleen AF Venable and illustrated by Stephanie Yue
Katie is trying to raise money to attend a summer camp so she takes a job catsitting for a neighbor. After one night with the 217 cats, Katie realizes they are smarter and more evil than ordinary felines. While Katie tries to manage catsitting she also begins to suspect her neighbor is a super villain. Cat lovers, especially, will enjoy this fun and adventurous graphic novel.
The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm
Eleven-year old Bell is an ordinary kid except for the fact that he has grown up living in a settlement on Mars. One of the rules is that no one is allowed to leave to visit the other colonies. When the adults become sick with a mysterious illness, Bell has no choice but to go in search of help from neighbors who he is not sure he can trust. This is a compelling and imaginative sci-fi adventure that explores themes relevant to our world today.
An Adult Read I Loved
The Push by Ashley Audrain
This psychological thriller is one that I couldn't put down. It's dark and disturbing, but also a story that will make you think. It explores themes related to motherhood, nature versus nurture, and mental illness.