Every Monday, I share books I have recently read. I also participate in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, a community of bloggers who link up to share what they are reading. To find out what other bloggers are reading, check out the host blogs, Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers, or follow on Twitter at #imwayr.
Recent Reads...
Danbi's Favorite Day by Anna Kim
Danbi has high expectations for her Children's Day celebration, but because her parents are working she is only allowed a small party behind their deli and then as it begins it starts to rain. With encouragement from her mother and a creative and resilient spirit, Danbi is able to save her party. The follow-up to Danbi Leads the School Parade, this book is equally endearing.
This is a Story by John Schu and illustrated by Lauren Castillo
This book which reads like a poem is about the power of stories to connect us and the joy of libraries. Lovely illustrations.
Wild Blue by Dashka Slater and illustrated by Laura Hughes
Kayla gets a new big bike without training wheels. Because it's like a mustang, difficult to tame, she names it Wild Blue. This story of perseverance is sweet and the comparison between a bike and a horse is creative. Very charming.
The One and Only Ruby by Katherine Applegate
Ruby is not looking forward to her Tuskday, a ceremony to celebrate that an elephant is growing up. She shares memories of the time when she lived in Africa with her friends Ivan and Bob, revealing the heart-breaking story which has led her to dislike her tusks. With the help of her friends and elephant family, she is able to heal and find her courage. Those many students who have read and enjoyed The One and Only Ivan and The One and Only Ruby will be excited to see this newest title. Written from the perspective of an elephant and providing insight into the dangers elephants face it is interesting and meaningful. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced review copy. The book publishes in May.